New Stickers. You enjoy chatting with your friends via Chat/Messenger applications like WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, LINE , Kakao Talk, Zalo, Wechat, Webo?
Sticker Chat provides a huge collection of stickers and chat icons for you to choose.
The usage is really simple:
1- Pick a sticker you like in a sticker group.
2- Copy (to iMessage & Paste) or Save to Camera Roll
3- Go to your chat application (Facebook Messenger, Viber, LINEā¦) and attach the sticker just saved to Camera roll to the chat window. (each messenger application may have its own way of attaching image)
And thats it. Enjoy!
* Lots of beautiful stickers with hundreds of categories.
* Really really simple to use.
* Intuitive interaction and beautiful designed
This application is an unofficial product and is not endorsed by or affiliated with Facebook, LINE, WhatsApp, Viber. Facebook/LINE/WhatsApp/Viber, its name, trademark and other aspects of the app are trademarked and owned by their respective owners.